ADO.Net Frequently Asked Questions

Posted by Techie Cocktail | 10:56 PM | | 0 comments »

What is the difference between ADO and ADO.Net?
What are the different categories of classes in ADO.Net?
What is the difference between clone() and copy() method of a Dataset?
What is connection pooling?
What is a diffgram?
What is CommandBuilder?
What is the difference between Optimistic and Pessimistic locking?
What are various components of a DataTable?
What are the different RowState transitions in DataRow?
What are the different DataRow versions?
How do determine the current version of a DataRow?
What is a DataReader?
How to iterate through rows in a DataReader?
What are the advanatages/disadvantages of using a DataReader?
How to check if a DataReader is closed or open?
What is a Dataset?
How to Read/Write XML using a Dataset?
What is the use of AcceptChanges() method of Dataset?
What is the use of Update() method of Dataset?
What is a DataAdapter?
How to load the generated DataSet using DataAdapter?
How can we use a Stored Procedure in ADO.Net?
What is Dataview? What is it used for?
How to perform a transaction cycle in ADO.Net?