News - 07.18.2009

Posted by Techie Cocktail | 10:14 AM | | 0 comments »

We are planning to go for a new template design, as we are experiencing some limitation with this design. Our focus is to use a design that makes it easy for our users to browse across different articles & sections.

We would also like to take this opportunity to get the feedback from you on how we are doing. Please write us in at

Please feel free to also let us know what else you would like to see in our site, what other topics you would like us to write and any other comments.

We would also like to invite people to help us by writing articles for our site or help us in any ways. Our focus is to provide useful technical content, that gives complete information to our users on any technology, tools, tips-n-tricks, resources or any new upcoming technical news articles from any domain like telecommunication, software, finance, real-estate.

If you would like to help us, please mail us your information with email address and/or contact number. We will reach you for more details. After we have received 5 useful and complete articles from you, we will send you a $10 (USA Dollars) worth gift card of your choice for your participation.